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Tyn-Jan International Co.,Ltd   [Taiwan]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: W ith a wide range of world-renowned product lines, for years, TJI has dedicated in slicing, grinding and polishing fields and faithfully played a linkage between customers and suppliers to offer excellent sales and technical services to the customers in various fields including siliconĦBsapphireĦBsolar cellĦBceramicsĦBopticalĦBautomotiveĦBelectronicsĦBconsumables and semiconductor industries.Our ultimate goal is to pursue a sustainable growth. To make our suppliers and customers maintain a balanced profit cycle and create 3 win situations and relationships has been our mission. TJI never quits searc
Product: peter wolters grinding, lapping, polishing and deburring machine, meyer burger slicing machine, japan nissei double disc grinding machine, other expendables, gme vertical rotary grinding machine, japan noritake convention, CBN, diamond wheel.
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