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Home > Companies Directory > Apparatus and Machinery for Chemical Industry > Steel Structures
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Yung Sheng Machinery Co., Ltd.   [Taiwan]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: Yung Hsien Machinery Co., Ltd. established in April , 1992 which is a professional manufacturer of EPS Waste Recycling & Processing Machine in Taiwan. In our initial stage, we developed the cylindrical waste recycling & processing machine. After we invested huge cost and time to research & develop this machine for many years, finally we obtained the outstanding success. But we always continuous to improve this machine quality to make it reach perfectly status, in order to meet customer requirement. Our products: EPS waste recycling & processing machine, cylindrical wasted recycling & processin
Product: EPS waste recycling & processing machine, cylindrical wasted recycling & processing machine, recycling machine.
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Tefua Manufacturing Co., Ltd.   [Taiwan]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: Our products: alloy die casting, al sand casting, al permanent mold casting, gray/ductile iron casting, precision stamping, precision plastic injection, screw driver, rubber hose.

Product: alloy die casting, al sand casting, al permanent mold casting, gray/ductile iron casting, precision stamping, precision plastic injection, screw driver, rubber hose.
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Lih Kang Industrial Co., Ltd.   [Taiwan]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: Established: june,1964(ta-yeng), company found: january,1974 , employees: approximately 2000
capital: 260,000,000 nt dollars , annual production : 12,500 tons of steel structure, annual sales: ntd 1,000,000,000 approx. (as of 2001) , factory area: 40,000 m2 shop area: 18.000 m2 lih kang industrial co., ltd is a taiwanese expertise company found in 1974, verified by taiwan power company (tpc), state-run enterprise, as tpcˇ¦s main supplier for steel works in 1986 and awarded iso 9001 issued by det norske veritas (dnv) in 1996. the business activities are power transmission line towers, steel p
Product: power transmission tower, microwave antenna tower, various towers, steel framework, power transmission tower, microwave antenna tower, various towers, steel framework, conveyor, steel bridge, space frame, tunnel working wagons, falling arrest device, electrical fitting & cable installation, steel structures.
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China Steel Structure Co., Ltd.   [Taiwan]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: The china steel structure company, ltd.(cssc), was founded on february 24,1978 as the first company in taiwan devoted solely to the production of fabricated steel structures. with its about 400 employees, affiliated plants, and highly efficient, automated facilities, the cssc has an average monthly production of 8000 metric tons and a maximum capacity of 10000 metric tons per month. the company sells a variety of fabricated steel sections and frames both locally and abroad and also handles the design, fabrication, assembly, and erection of machinery structures, the cssc has the advantages of b
Product: steel structures, fabricated steel structures.
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Hung Chains International Co., Ltd.   [Taiwan]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: In June 1986 Hung Chains International was established as a trading firm active in import and export. Under the leader ship of an active management team the company has become an important pillar of the tunneling construction industry in Taiwan. But not only as a machine, equipment and service provider, the teamˇ¦s effort have changed the work in tunnels and the products used by introducing new state of the art technologies to the local market. our products: lattice girder, selfdrilling anchor, at system, chemical grouting, sn anchor, pre-mixed mortor, anchor pump, scaffloading, water proofing,
Product: lattice girder, selfdrilling anchor, at system, chemical grouting, sn anchor, pre-mixed mortor, anchor pump, scaffloading, water proofing, lagging sheet, rebar work, drainage sheet, FRP anchor.
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