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Home > Companies Directory > Apparatus and Machinery for Chemical Industry > Cold Working (Welding For Oil Tank, Piping Work, Storage Tank...Etc)
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Yung Sheng Machinery Co., Ltd.   [Taiwan]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: Yung Hsien Machinery Co., Ltd. established in April , 1992 which is a professional manufacturer of EPS Waste Recycling & Processing Machine in Taiwan. In our initial stage, we developed the cylindrical waste recycling & processing machine. After we invested huge cost and time to research & develop this machine for many years, finally we obtained the outstanding success. But we always continuous to improve this machine quality to make it reach perfectly status, in order to meet customer requirement. Our products: EPS waste recycling & processing machine, cylindrical wasted recycling & processin
Product: EPS waste recycling & processing machine, cylindrical wasted recycling & processing machine, recycling machine.
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COTECH Engineering Corporation   [Taiwan]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: Cross-century plan for a clean environment, pleasant life, and a future that makes good use of technology
Lives need to be nurtured by Mother Nature despite scientific and technological advances. Warm sunshine, fresh air, and clean water are always the essentials for our existence on this planet. It is our hope that in the upcoming new century, our environment will share equal attention to that is given to technology developments.
With more than 10 yearˇ¦s presence in the environmental engineering business, the Cotech Engineering Corporation has been increasingly committed to a clean and ple
Product: clean room engineering, mechanical & electrical engineering, general construction, environment protection engineering, instrumentation & control, clean room equipment.
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