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Home > Companies Directory > Material Handing Machinery > Cranes, Overhead Travelling
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Foshan City Nanhai District Guanhui Mechanical & Electric Equipment Industry Co., Ltd   [China]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: Foshan City Nanhai District Guanhui Mechanical & Electric Equipment Industry Co., Ltd. is located in Foshan City, Guangdong Province. We have about 300 employees and more than 20 senior and middle technicians. The company covers an area of more than 20,000 square meters. Guanhui is a professional hoisting equipment company integrating manufacture, fixing, servicing and rebuilding.
Our corporation is certificated by National Quality Engineering Supervision Bureau and awarded kinds of bridge & gantry hoist B grade producing license, and A grade license of fixing, rebuilding, and servicing. We
Product: crane, gantry crane, bridge crane, cargo crane, grab crane, container crane, dock crane, frame crane, grab bucket crane, harbour crane, jib crane, portal crane, portal jib crane, quay crane, chain block, derrick, overhead crane, single crane, double crane, slewing crane.
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