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Home > Companies Directory > Industrial Plants > Motor Making Plants
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Rinka Corporation Co., Ltd.   [Taiwan]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: 1950 In February 1950, Mr. Liu Yen founded SHUI YUAN ironworks in ownership, the main products are ceiling fan. In the next year, The table fans and every types of fan are manufactured and sale to whole country wide.
1976 Transferring partnership to Corporation Organization, named SHUI YUAN Electric Co., LTD, The newly appointed is MR. Liu Cheng Ta , who will be taking over the positions as the Chairman.
1989 Rinka Industry Corporation became an independent firm from SHUI YUAN in 1989, focused on manufacturing and selling motors equipment.
In April 2006, designed and manufactured
Product: winding machine,wedge & coil inserting machine,lacing machine ,forming machine, automatic steam sterilizer, infusion pump, motor making machine.
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Taiwan Winch Industrial Co., Ltd.   [Taiwan]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: No matter what kinds of lifting applications might be, TAWAN WINCH has the exact electric hoists to meet you requirements. Whether for lifting applications in construction, household, store and factory etc. TAIWAN WINCH electric hoists will provide the performance you have come to expect. Each design is specially tailored to meet the specific needs of you applications.ou can choose from the most comprehensive range of TAIWAN WINCH electric hoists, but you will have only one level of quality-superior.
Product: electric hoist, mini-winch, worm gear winch, ceiling winch, hand winch, cement mixer, bracket, electric chain hoist, monorail motorized tuolly.
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Wado Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd.   [Taiwan]
Company Type: Manufacturer
Company Description: For the decade since establishment, WADO has contributed to sophisticated technology and best after-sales service for many customers with a wide range of integrated hook-commutator motor production line. For continued experience and support, high-quality equipment alone with processing of efficiency and stability need to be strengthened more effort to innovation by WADO's team bring them into unlimited business.
Product: winding machines, automatic winding machines , motor making plants, micro balancing machine,
automatic commutator fusing machine, fully automatic commutator fusing machine, fully automatic integrated armatures production line, automatic armature testing machine, fully automatic armature tester,
automatic commutator turning machine, automatic hydraulic commutator turning machine , automatic double flyer armature winding machine, fully automatic double flyer armature winding machine.
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