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Cryomax Cooling System Corp.
Company Description:
We are specialized in manufacturing radiators for automobile industry in Taiwan since 1986. We currently offer more than 500 models to worldwide market and continue the new development with 30 ~ 40 models on a yearly basis. To provide the completed product service for our valued customers, we built the aluminum radiator production line since year 2000 and began mass production year 2001 successfully. With our full range product line, we believe that we could fulfill your demand completely. We not only offering existing radiators but also work with you for radiators that you desire. We look forwarding to hearing from you soon and hope to be your partner as always.
Product :
radiator, heat exchanger products, cooling products.
Contant Us :
Company Name: Cryomax Cooling System Corp.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: ----------
Web Site:
Phone: 886-4-8967892
Fax: 886-4-8969825
Address: No.28, Kung-Chiu Road, Fang-Yuan Industrial Dist. Chunghua, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Country: Taiwan
Company Categories:
  Automobile, Parts & Transportation > Auto parts & Accessories
  Automobile, Parts & Transportation > Radiator & Parts
  Automobile, Parts & Transportation > Others
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