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Jiangyin Dingol Industrial And Trading Co.,Ltd.
Company Description:
We are one of the professional alternator manufacturers in China.We can supply high quality & competitive price brushless, synchronous alternator with class H insulation, 1500/1800rpm and 3000/3600rpm,50/60Hz, voltage range from 110v-660v, rated from 5kva upto 1386kva. Best quality / prices.
Welcome to e-mail to us ,we will show you the detail instructions and our Sincerity.
Product :
alternator, alternator manufacturers, synchronous alternator.
Contant Us :
Company Name: Jiangyin Dingol Industrial And Trading Co.,Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Miely Su
Web Site: ----------
Phone: 0086-510-86409427
Fax: 0086-510-86409429
Address: No.118 Chengjiang(M) Road, Jiangyin,Jiangsu,China.
Country: China
Company Categories:
  Electronic & Electrical > Electronics & Electrical Components
  Automobile, Parts & Transportation > Generator & Alternator
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