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Cheng Pu Electronic Co., Ltd.
Company Description:
Cheng Pu Electronic has been in A/V field since 1980 and we have developed an excellent international reputation.
We devote our attention to A/V electronic parts and car stereo parts manufacturing.
We use CNC auto machines in connector manufacturing as well as a spot assembly machine in our cable/connector assembly process to achieve the highest international standards. All of our products must have attained 100¢H pass rate in QC testing before export.
We also proceed to check on the after-delivery installation to ensure full customer satisfaction. This strict QC policy has brought us great praise from our customers in the USA, England, Germany, Japan and throughout Asia.Catch the wave of new innovative products, surf our showroom by sech "Cheng Pu" by google!
Product :
in-car entertainment installation parts, 12V noise rejection filter, RCA coupler, audio jack, audio plug,
HDMI coupler.
Contant Us :
Company Name: Cheng Pu Electronic Co., Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Wilson Lee
Web Site:
Phone: 886-6-2871577
Fax: 886-6-2872046
Address: No. 1146 An Ming Road, Sec. 4 Tai Nan Taiwan 709, R.O.C.
Country: Taiwan
Company Categories:
  Electronic & Electrical > Adapter (Adaptor)
  Electronic & Electrical > Cable Assemblies
  Automobile, Parts & Transportation > Auto Electronics
  Electronic & Electrical > Contactor
  Automobile, Parts & Transportation > Radiator & Parts
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