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Hsin Yung Chien Ind. Co., Ltd.
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Product :  
conveyor belt.
Company Description:
Heading into a new century, we look back at the end of the 20th century, the industries in Taiwan have seen their heyday and gloom. The market of free economy is like a strict filter, constantly eliminated weak and ill-managed businesses. To survive the elimination and reach sustainable management, it must have a healthy management system, strengthen the company foundation and comprehensively enhance its competitive advantage. In 1968 Mr. Lin Chin Chang established Hsin Yung Chien Industrial Co., Ltd and started the business. In 1978 President Lin Chi Chin took over the leadership from his father and continued to create new values to maintain the business. He actively expanded the company's export market, and with his sharp judgment and rapid response, led Hsin Yung Chien to grow in the rapidly changing and highly competitive market.Between 1980 and 1990 the president continued his father's unfinished work and bravely led Hsin Yung Chien through its most difficult time without guidance and resources.Between 1990 and 2000 Hsin Yung Chien invested on a large scale in automatic equipment, replacing the old ones with new ones to promote its competitive advantage. It also has technical cooperation with the Netherlands Akzo Nobel to create another peak in its business.In 2003 the name of the company was changed into Hsin Yung Chien Co., Ltd. Our products: conveyor belt.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Hsin Yung Chien Ind. Co., Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: Mr. Lin
Web Site:
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Country: Taiwan
Product Categories:
  Machinery & Tools > Material Handing Machinery > Conveyors
  Machinery & Tools > Material Handing Machinery > Conveyors, Belt Type
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