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Camda Generator Work Co.,Ltd.
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Product :  
camda/perkins 40kw-2000kw series diesel generator-set, camda/commins 22kw-1000kw series diesel generator-set, camda/deutz 22kw-132kw series diesel generator-set, camda/guascor 264kw-957kw series natural gas generator-set, camda/waukesha 140kw-3250kw series natural gas generator-set, camda/daewoo 120kw-370kw series natural gas generator-set.
power supply equpment series include:1-pro cpu-controlled non-contact voltage regulator,
non-contact voltage regulator, sbw compasation type large-capacity voltage regulator, bgd/bgs large-capacity transformer, intelligent dc stabilized power supply, usp uniterrupted power supply, esp emergency power supply, variable frequency power supply.
camda/perkins 40kw-2000kw series diesel generator-set
camda/commins 22kw-1000kw series diesel generator-set
camda/deutz 22kw-132kw series diesel generator-set
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Company Description:
Camda Generator Work Co.,Ltd,a professional manufacturer of Diesel/Gas/Heavy Fuel Generator set manufacturing,was registered in Donggguan City, Guangdong Province in 1998. With a new industrial park convering 34000M2 being built,headquarter is located in Tangchun Industrial Zone,Liaobu Town. Camda achieved rapid development in the past we has set up 23 subsidiaries, and our national wide sales andservice system in China.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Camda Generator Work Co.,Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: sandra
Web Site:
Phone: 86-0760-8629589
Fax: 86-0760-8629589
Address: Lijing garden 81# West Zone Zhongshan City Guangdong Province
Country: China
Product Categories:
  Machinery & Tools > Electric Machinery > Uninterrupted Power Supply
  Machinery & Tools > Electric Machinery > Electrical Power Machinery
  Machinery & Tools > Electric Machinery > Generators (Diesel & Gasoline )
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