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Jia Chi Automatic Packaging Co., Ltd.
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Product :  
automated packaging equipment, box machine, sealing machine, strapping machine, stack machine, wrapping machine, hand tools, automated in packaging equipment, sealing packing, bag sealing, sealing shrink, plastic packaging, blister packing, vacuum packaging, seam packaging, automated storage and logistics equipment, roller conveyor, belt conveyor, roof conveyor, chain conveyor, storage shelves, automatic storage, automation accessories and packaging materials, packaging tape, plastic film, cushioning material,
formed sponge, packing cans / box.
sealing machine
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Company Description:
Jia Chi Industrial Co., Ltd., Inc. Giant Reasons for the expansion of Changhua County to set up office, demands professional management of sales strapping machine, Then set up Jia Min Packaging, professional production of PP strapping band, and demands of production, sales division, unity sold by the business, Thus the development of Giant and wish to transfer to investment in the mainland market.
Company Profile:
Company Name: Jia Chi Automatic Packaging Co., Ltd.
Company Type: Manufacturer
Contact Person: WANG HUA-HSUAN
Web Site:
Phone: 886-4-7612088
Fax: 886-4-7612089
Address: 50070彰化市水尾二路360巷45號
Country: Taiwan
Product Categories:
  Packaging Equipment & Packing Materials & Paper > Packing & Packaging Machine & Equipment
  Machinery & Tools > Packaging Machinery > Strapping Machines
  Packaging Equipment & Packing Materials & Paper > Sealing Machine (Sealer)
  Packaging Equipment & Packing Materials & Paper > Packaging Materials
  Machinery & Tools > Material Handing Machinery > Conveyors, Belt Type
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